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Physical activity is any activity that gets children moving, makes their breathing faster and their heart beats quicker.   

There are so many benefits to kids keeping active! Being active helps kids to:   

  • Make new friends   

  • Learn new skills    

  • Be confident   

  • Improve their mood and sleep   

  • Build strong bones and muscles   

  • Keep their hearts and lungs healthy   

  • Keep a healthy weight   

  • Manage stress and anxiety   

  • Reduce aggressive and disruptive behaviour 


How to be more active:  

Kids can be active anywhere and at any time!   

Here are  few easy tips to add movement into your child’s life:   

  • Walk, scoot or cycle to and from school    

  • Try a new sport or activity with them   

  • Be a good role model by being active yourself   

  • Give gifts or  rewards that encourage active play, like balls, bats, and skipping ropes.  

  • If they do not usually move much, start small and slowly increase the amount of physical activity they do.  


You can mix up physical activity by checking out your local parks, ovals, playgrounds and bushland! 


See the links below for more tips to get kids active. 



Active Living for Kids

Screen Time for Kids

Active Kids Vouchers

Fundamental Movement Skills

Local Opportunities to be active


There is a range of free programs to help kids and teens in South West Sydney be more active. Check out some of the options below…

The Active Kids program provides two $100 vouchers per schoolchild each year.

Children aged 5-12 years should be getting at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day.

Kids should have less than 2 hours of recreational screen time.

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are an important and consistent aspect of your child’s development. They are the building blocks…