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  • Sleeping teen
    A lack of sleep can affect mood, concentration and much more
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  • Vaping & E-Cigarettes
    A common belief shared is that vapes are harmless...
  • Local Opportunities to be Active
    Local parks &sports facilities are great places to be active
Growing Healthy Teens


Tips for Healthy Teens

Wellbeing means that children are feeling well both physically and mentally. It ranges from eating well to feeling well and…

For teens, staying active improves fitness, boosts self esteem, and can help with managing stress.

Eating and drinking well helps your teen to be happy, healthy and do well at school. As they grow older and become more independent…


5 Ways to Wellbeing
5 Ways to Wellbeing - UNSW MindSmart Team

Tools & Community Services

Youth Solutions is a youth drug and alcohol prevention and health promotion service running prevention programs for young…

headspace provides early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds...

CORE Community Services provides local communities with a wide range of services, activities and programs